You Shattered Mirrors In Italy
as the ocean gave way
A thousand moons ago
When the borders crossed the shore
I dreamt of your body
Breathing soft against the night
A thousand moons ago
When my eyes were made of light
I dreamt of your voice
I heard it everywhere I went
A thousand moons ago
When our latitudes met
I dreamt of a secret
Kept far behind the tongue
A thousand moons ago
When our love had just begun
I dreamt of your pulse
And the blood that fills your veins
A thosand moons ago
When the honeymoon unwed
I dreamt you were a lover
And I fought to keep you near
A thousand moons ago
Before I let you disappear
You shattered mirrors in Italy
And I wasn't there
A thousand moons ago
A thousand moons yet to repair
And in my heart
A beating starts